About the Journal

Operating Philosophy 

We will publish the results from original, cutting edge, fundamental and applied research initiatives that advance knowledge and frontiers in earth resources engineering and science, and/or improve industrial systems, methods, processes, and technologies. We will also publish critical and analytical reviews of seminal manuscripts, breakthrough technologies, inventions, discoveries, and other novel scientific and engineering achievements.

Purpose and Scope of Journal 

The WAIMM Journal is an on-line library of technical papers and research findings designed purposely to provide WAIMM members and the mining & petroleum industry professionals the opportunity to utilize such research findings in furthering their research or conducting their operations.

The focus of the Journal is mainly for the sustainability of the mining and petroleum industry operations.

The on-line Journal consists of exclusive industry news and projects making the headlines around the globe and also highlights of all the major WAIMM events and programs including detailed lists of new members over the period.

The Journal also features thought-provoking industry related topics for discussion in order to build industry knowledge and also contribute to solving the challenges of the industry through innovation and from the engineers’ perspective.

The journals are released two times each year and consists of comprehensive news from mineral exploration, industry research and development, resource development, EHS, mine planning and mining operations and development, oil & gas well appraisal, oil field development, and technological developments in the mining and petroleum sectors.

Distribution and Coverage

The WAIMM Journal is distributed with all past and current issues available on-line on the WAIMM website (https://waimm.org). WAIMM members can access the issues free of charge through the membership portal and also submit papers and articles for onward publication in subsequent issues at subsidized rates. Others can access the issues through the WAIMM website, the Journal website at a fee or through OneMine.org platform (https://www.onemine.org).

The WAIMM Journal is available for download and could be accessed online by all WAIMM members and all professionals in the mining and petroleum industry across the world.

Journal Periodicity 

The journal is published semi-annually (i.e. June and December) in the British Standard English language.

Special Editions and Editorials

The WAIMM Journal will provide the relevant knowledge, information and data on research, improved systems, processes and operations and future technological innovations in the mining, petroleum and other natural resources for further frontier advances, exploration, development and operations for industry professionals in the academia, research and industry. With the growing demand for natural resources (abundant in the West Africa) and driven by technological innovations, the WAIMM Journal will provide a platform for the definition of new and unforeseen problems and ideas that would allow researchers and practitioners to better understand and solve these problems within the West African sub-region. Specifically, this interdisciplinary journal creates, orients, and educates readers on issues. The journal ensures that regardless of the scientific field and industry, conclusions of articles published in this journal are most useful when applied to the challenges. The titles in this journal are short, direct and clear to appeal to a larger group of readers and the papers published are peer-reviewed by at least two subject-qualified experts so that their quality are as any of the well-known field-specific journals. To address these challenges, special editions and editorials on frontier subjects will be created to advance these areas and to generate discussions for improved solutions.